Hey folks, if you're still with me (and I'm truly appreciative if you are), I've now moved home. From now on you can catch me at www.thecocoadiaries.wordpress.com. This site is now defunct.
Bye bye Blogger, it's been real.
With Love
Ms Quiche xxx
Hey folks, if you're still with me (and I'm truly appreciative if you are), I've now moved home. From now on you can catch me at www.thecocoadiaries.wordpress.com. This site is now defunct.
Bye bye Blogger, it's been real.
With Love
Ms Quiche xxx
Arise Magazine: Still Rising After All These... Months
This is the gorgeous cover of the new issue (issue 8) of Arise magazine. The striking visage belongs to Somalian model, Ubah Hassan who is featured inside the mag illustrating a piece on natural hair (apparently texture is all the rage this season... as if we needed telling). I've been a fan of this magazine since it launched over a year ago. I'm delighted that it's still in existence considering so many magazines geared towards black audiences with high production values tend to fall by the wayside a la Colures and the fab but short-lived, Suede magazine. And even more encouraging, the magazine has gone down in price to a credit crunch friendly £2.95, so do go out and support the cause. I picked up a copy a couple of weeks ago and am ashamed to admit it's under my desk somewhere, yet to be read (slapped wrists).
A wee preview of Estelle's forthcoming single 'Freak'. Mmmm. this looks interesting. Will post more when the full video premieres on Friday.
In overseas news, I discovered from the fabulous Ondo Lady that Essence magazine is holding a competition to find the consummate IT girl. The winner of the prize will be featured in the September issue of Essence and will win a contract with Elite Model Management (oooh, how very ANTM! Can almost image Tyra holding pictures and slowly mouthing the words). I’m a HUGE Essence fan, although if I’m being honest, I do feel the magazine has lost its soul somewhat since the departure of Susan Taylor. Back in the day when I was a regular reader, Susan’s monthly spiritual column was the first page I would turn to. She was the heartbeat of the magazine, and her influence could be felt throughout the pages, which had a lot more soul and grit to it. But hats off to Essence for embracing the digital age. Their website is great - it’s updated frequently and chocker block with interviews, pap snaps of celebrities and stories of relevance to Black women worldwide. I also love the various blogs they have with influential people from the likes of Iman to media darling Emil Wilbekin. And as for the modelling completion? Well I would enter but I’m told that *ahem* it’s only opened to those who are based in the US. *Sigh*, Chanel Iman, you‘re lucky this time.
For the first time in Pride magazine's 18 year history, Sade will grace the cover. The issue hits the shelves this week. Enough said.
Mmmm, how shame do I feel posting a New Year’s entry when we’re a mere week and spare change away from March 2010? *bows head in shame*. But anyhow, for what it’s worth - I’m back folks! I know it’s been a while, and I kinda feel as if I’m continually making feeble excuses for my online absence. However, on this occasion it’s definitely a case of life getting in the way. So what have I been up to? Well without boring you to death with every detail, there’s been quite a lot of change in my life over the last few months. I’ve finally moved home - yay! I’m still in south east London but just a little bit further out than I used to be. My new abode is a lovely split level, two bed apartment with a roof area which has the most bootiful view of the city (to our left is Canary Wharf and I wave to the 02 building practically every night and pretend I am enraptured, with my lighter in the air at a gig in the Arena). But needless to say, it hasn’t all been sweetness and light. Rich and I have endured more than our fair share of ‘new home dramas’ which culminated with a dramatic Backdrft-esq visit from the fire service after a pipe attached to our boiler burst and wouldn’t shut off. You should’ve seen us both. We were skating across the wet kitchen floor, clothes drenched, with bucketloads of water in our hands, which we were capturing to try and prevent it from spilling downstairs into our poor neighbour's appartment. Not nice. I’m keeping my fingers and toes cross that there won't be any more incidents for now, because I’m almost certain that my ole ticker can’t cope with any more unforeseen circumstances of that nature… Pray for me. So that was our lil home drama. On a more positive note, my little K has finally started ‘big school’. He started the first week in January and managed to put on a brave face as his nervous wreck of a Mama fought the urge to blubber the whole of Brockley down. It’s kinda scary to see already the numerous changes in his personality - from his confidence to maturity - in such a short space of time. Gawd help Rich and I. Before we know it, he'll be a bumbling, incoherent, aspiring Grime emcee. And that’s more or less it folks. I’m finally started to feel a bit settled, and now my Broadband has finally been installed by Sky (it only took ‘em 2 months), I’m ready to get back in the swing of things, blog wise.